Adi Suryani, Soedarso Soedarso, Tony Hanoraga, Ni Wayan Suarmini, Niken Prasetyawati, Wahyuddin Wahyuddin


Rural women are the backbone of rural development. Frequently, they are in charge of a variety of household tasks in the Asian environment, including supporting the family's finances, ensuring that the family's daily needs are met, caring for children and elderly relatives, and directing the family's social life. Despite playing a crucial role in society, rural women still receive less attention for their education, health, and self-improvement. This study intends to investigate Klagen's women's empowerment aspects in relation to the creation of a smart village. This study is based on empirical data that was gathered from Klagen-based initiatives aimed at empowering women. The initiatives seek to educate and empower Klagen women in the production of krupuk red onion cracker. The primary technique of data collection is direct participant observation, in which the authors take part in the process of empowering the participants and interacting with the women while creating field notes. The study demonstrates that shared active engagement of women in groups and women's local organizations should be encouraged to advance women's empowerment. Within this group, they can share fresh information, make plans for action, experiment with problem-solving, and strengthen their sense of community. The study also reveals that women's empowerment requires encouraging rural leaders who are prepared to offer financial aid, encouragement, and learning opportunities. Furthermore, effective women's empowerment requires collaboration with males and a commitment to putting new abilities into practice on a daily basis.


women empowerment; smart village; women-preneurship education


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15548/jk.v14i1.687


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