The aim of this research is to explore the idea belong to Qosim Amin "Tahrir al-Mar'ah" as the main theme of Qasim Amin reformation is an idea that is based on the spirit of liberation and empowerment of women. This idea emerged as a reflection and manifestation of concern intellectualism against the reality of Egyptian woman, who had reached the threshold of tolerance limits area . By using library research method, this research used book, journal, and others as the data resouces. As the cosequency, content analysis was used to analyse the data. Qasim Amin stresses that Islam should be granted rights of women in proportion tha is the right in education and acquire same right in tasting educational right between men and women, because Islaic value is full of fairness and required the responsibility to Allah. The resut of this research shows that Qosim Amin concern on vision and educational issues in his Idea. There was an awareness of Egytianson the important position of women on education, chance of women to wear veily the government’s attention on the revision of religions justice. These changes have in fired the Egypt women todays.
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